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Our News

DevBlog #4 - Content
Hello, did you expect to see us again? Yes, this is us, Crucial Experiment, alive and with a new devblog. What can we tell you about the development of the game at the moment? We are already finishing the 3rd scene, which together with itself will bring the first full-fledged alpha version of the game with the first main piece of the plot! We would like to say right away that the release of the ..
DevBlog #3 - Are we alive?
Greetings all, Crucial Experiment returns from its cosy greenhouse to the world! That day has come, the whole team is back together, which means it's time to get down to making the game, and we even have a story to tell you. First we'd like to tell you a bit about the return of the game itself on Steam. Valve recently hid the game's page on June 25 due to the long absence of the main bundle, we ..
DevBlog #2 - Pineapple Truth
Hello everyone again, Crucial Experiment is in touch! This time we have bad news for the players who are waiting for the game. No matter how painful it was for us, but due to the lack of team and strength, we cannot continue working on the game, so it was decided to temporarily freeze the project until better times. It seems that this break will be long. But Crucial Experiments is not going to l..
DevBlog #1 - The beginning of a new story
Hello, Crucial Experiment is back in touch and ready to tell you a little about the game and its development. We will immediately touch on an important topic now and this is the war of Russia and Ukraine, the whole team of Crucial Experiment is against this war, and we want to say that there will be no hints in the game about wars between the countries of only two important companies that are loc..

Our games

The Durka: You will (not) die
#Early Access
Durka Simulator
#Early Access

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